Thursday, October 8, 2015

October's flower

The Pot-marigold or Calendula, symbolize a warm and fierce undying love. Their warm colours are often associated with October celebrations such as that of the Hindu Diwali, a Festival of Light. Elegance, devotion, grace and healing are all attributes associated withCalendula. Its name is Latin for calendar. Like sunflowers, the little flower heads follow the sun across the sky. The addition of the edible Calendula petals livens a salad. Some used to think that eating the flowers allowed you to see faeries. (Not in my experience!).

Their inclusion in soaps and lotions promotes healing of skin conditions, including poison ivy rashes. In ancient days, it was believed that protection from evil spirits could be gained by stringing Calendula garlands around the home.

Burpee seed mixture package
Burpee seed mixture package

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