Wednesday, February 20, 2008


As a botanist my work is primarily visual. Certainly there have been times when I could have sworn the plants were talking just to me. Generally I concur that plants are mostly silent beauties.

Tactile for sure 'though. I think of the soft velvet leaves of Verbascum marking the shoulders of the highways. Stinging nettle leaves a skin sensation most of us won't forget!

But the plants we share our lives with provide a visual smorgasbord. Over the next few months I hope to introduce you, to my office in eastern Canada.

So welcome to my diary, as I welcome the dawning of a new growing season.

Enlarge the image above by clicking on it. These are the expanded leaves of rhubarb....I can't wait until mine pushes through the loosening ground. Rhubarb pie.....sweet and sour dessert!

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