Saturday, January 6, 2018

welcome 2018!

Hello good folks:

I see I have neglected this blog for slightly more than a year. Facebook is responsible for that! I seem to have a separate page for  plants, painting, postcards and now even for myself.

This month, January 2018, sees my retirement. Effective February 1, I become the former Curator of Botany at the Nova Scotia Museum. I have been looking forward to new adventures for a while. Many opportunities have come my way since 2013. I hope to continue to draw the positive karma of the universe going forward.

There are a few links I want to share. These are products that I created in the last couple of years. They are free for you to download or use.

is the latest flora for Nova Scotia. It is free to download but not an app. Due to its size it is best used on a computer (120MG).

is an app developed by Gordon Isnor. I provided content. Available for iPhone, Android or desktop.

another app Gordon and I collaborated to release. And available on all platforms.