Saturday, March 22, 2008


She graced us last week, dumping snow and ice on awakening fields. Cancelled schools and Easter holidays. In Newfoundland, a fierce storm dumping lots of snow on or about March 18th wears the name. Maritimers have adopted the moniker too.

In my area this was followed by the silver thaw....adding brittle texture to awakening shrubs and trees.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


and the madness of families with bored kids and tired parents is upon us. March in NS can be particularly nasty...wet snows, bitter winds and rain, rain, rain.

The annual school break allows the kids to run their parents ragged...from camps, to movies, museums to ends for the peewees; basketball and baseball continue.

Not yet spring, still winter's harsh breath is lessening its grip....will continue to look for the first flower....